Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Is Feedback Important?

Glass Bead Hobby,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Did you hear? Do you metal detect?

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Crowns, the book by Pamela Claussen

Glam by Pam,
Victoria Magazine
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Vintage Rose Treasury

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Designers' Marks on Vintage Jewelry
There is something exciting about going to a yard sale, picking up a lovely piece of vintage jewelry, bringing it home, then upon closer inspection discovering a designer mark on the back. Some are well known like Monet and Coro and others are not so well known like A&Z. I was trying to figure out a designer's mark on a brooch to sell on Ebay and came across a super website with great pictures of designers' marks that are then identified. While it is not comprehensive, it is a wonderful reference if you're trying to figure out the mark on the back of that brooch or earring set. The site is by Morning Glory Antiques and Jewelry which also features and sells beautiful things. However, I really like it when a site gives a little information too--smart idea since I will probably visit the site more often if it is a valuable resource. Here is the link>>>Morning Glory Antiques and Jewelry.
designers marks,
vintage jewelry
Sorting Buttons
Pretty Things
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Fancy Shoes Treasury

Glass Bead Hobby,
Saturday, September 19, 2009
"Tea Time Tidbits" Special Posting #10
James Sadler,
Rose Cottage,
Tea Talk,
Tea Time Tidbits,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Having a Sale!
Yes, I am having a fall sale and have cut the prices on almost all of the items in both shops--in Lollishops and in Etsy. Feel free to click on www.lollishops.com/glassbeadtreasures or www.glassbeadtreasures.etsy.com.com to visit the shops and have a look at what the new prices are. You know, times are a little tight for us all, and having a sale is a way to help, I feel, with the expenses of the upcoming gift-giving times.
Glass Bead Hobby,
Mini-MOO to Big-MOO? Oh, Boo Hoo!
Glass Bead Hobby,
MOO cards
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
If You Like Craft Store Coupons....
...like to Hobby Lobby, Michael's, JoAnn's, etc. and sometimes miss the coupons in the paper like I do (well, okay, I almost always miss the coupons), then a visit to this helpful blog is for you. I love to use coupons--why pay $6.99 for a gold leaf pen needed for my Lollishop or Etsy project when I can pay $4.19? If I can save a buck, I will, and I know there are plenty of other people out there who would as well. Visit the blog www.mycraftcoupons.com before you head off to the craft store to see if that store has a coupon for the week, weekend, and/or day. It works--I have printed off the coupons and used them (the stores really do accept them!)--and have fun saving money!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thank you, Kelly from Blondheart!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
At the Farmers' Market
We had to mail something at our post office this past Thursday, and low and behold a farmers' market was set up across the street. I must never go to the post office on Thursday afternoons in the summer, because I had no idea this was there and had been there all along. Mmmmm, guess I need to get out more. We had a few extra bucks in our pockets (rare these days); my husband and I looked at each other, shrugged, and said "why not?". So after getting our stamps, we sauntered through the local farmers' stands. What great stuff! What great prices! Obviously, I need to change my ways. Honey was much cheaper than the bottle I had just bought at the grocery store the Friday before. We bought three huge green peppers for $1.00, a bucket of "dent and scratch" apples for apple pies for $2.00. The fresh corn on the cob looked delicious, and we bought some. The flower lady had buckets of beautiful blooms and was kind enough to tell me some varieties that I thought were beautiful and didn't know the names of. I went back to her stall and with my last $5.00 bought this large, lovely bouquet. Can't get this in Walmart!
Obviously, I need to go to these more...and, if you don't, I encourage you to take a saunter through a local farmers market. It feels good to get healthy, wisely priced items and support a neighbor too.
Farmer's Market
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Singing Some Praises...
"Praise God, from whom all blessings flow: Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A-men"
This is otherwise known as Doxology--written by Thomas Ken to the tune by Louis Bourgeois and quite often sung today rather ritualistically--unfortunately. It's a simple song really, but the message is clear and precise...and today, I'm just bursting with praise...this song is truly in my heart. Can't help it! After months of some not-very-positive news and situations, this week and today have brought blessings.
We had a flat tire last weekend upon coming out of the grocery store--which was a blessing in disguise because they were all really bad (like bald, rippled, and little chunks out of the rubber). Thankfully my husband was there too, so he changed it. Then, the Lord provided the money from an unexpected source to pay for the tires. We didn't have to put the new ones on the credit card...AND I wasn't stranded on the Interstate somewhere with the kids trying to fix the tire myself!
My sister-in-law got a VERY last minute spot due to a cancellation as a vendor for her Starwhiz tools in the Quilt Expo in Madison (connected with Nancy Zieman productions-- http://wiquiltexpo.com) held this weekend. I'm just amazed and thrilled for her to be able to get in (and in the first 20 minutes she sold two!), and I hope she does really, really well. She volunteered to display some of my jewelry out on one of her walls which is sooo nice of her.
Then my father-in-law who has been a builder for over 40 years and who has been out of good, solid work other than little jobs here and there for a few years now, just found out today that he got a big job to last him many months--through the winter. This is a definite answer to many months of prayer. It's just great to know that their needs will be met.
I'm just so thrilled with our blessings and the many blessings of others (the encouragement is definitely contagious)--needs have been met and things have come together in truly miraculous ways. It can only be God. "Praise Him, from whom all blessings fall..."
Bible Bits
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Romantic Homes "Detail Work" Feature

Monday, September 7, 2009
"Tea Time Tidbits" Special Posting #9

Tea Talk,
Tea Time Tidbits
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Having Guests--Putting Roses in Their Room
For some reason I'm convinced that a guest room should have fresh roses (and maybe a little dish of chocolate, too). I know I really enjoy fresh flowers in a room (and chocolates--*wink*). So, I went around our house yesterday picking some of the last beauties of the summer to put in their room (see above). These were the best and prettiest--and only the best will do for our honored guests.
Pretty Things,
Rose Cottage
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