So thankful for God's blessings in the past year and looking forward to the year ahead. I hope to please and serve Him better.
There are new projects in the works, and I'm excited to work on them...if only I had more time! I ordered these beads recently from a man in China. They were expensive, and I was a little anxious about spending the money...not certain they would come...not able to track them in any way. However, thankfully they DID good time too. They are just beautiful. I'm pleased and can't wait to create with them.
Thank you for following me and taking the time to read what I say and for your sweet comments. They are appreciated more than you know. I'm thinking of a giveaway soon, so keep an eye out for a future post. Happy, blessed 2012 to you all.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Can't Resist...
...hearts and vintage bits. So, these have been the result of my work lately. I found these sweet brass heart lockets from a seller on Etsy as well as some of the bits and pieces I've put onto the hearts. Especially pretty are the guilloche pieces and those chippy flowers.
They have been fun to work on. Ironically, I found a seller on Etsy who sells the little vintage enamel flowers, requested a custom listing of them...they agreed...and despite several emails over the past several weeks haven't heard a word back. I'm so disappointed! I know it's a busy time of year (but it has been many weeks)...I know things come up (but I've noticed they've listed many things)...but just can't understand poor customer service--at least communicate with me please! I'd rather have someone tell me they can't get back to me until a month has passed than just not respond. Oh, well...a lesson learned to remind me to have good customer service when a customer writes...and I'll keep on looking for my flowers. Anyway, hope you like these.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
By Special Request
You go through life and meet people who you wish you really had never met. Then you meet people who, when you look back, you are just so glad that you got to know them. One such person was a delightful lady who purchased a perfume bottle from me last spring. She was so kind. Then she wrote back saying that she had some of her mother's jewelry that she would never wear...and could I put some of the pieces on perfume bottles for her and some of her relatives? I admit to being nervous breaking apart these precious memories of her mother, but then again, she and I were working together trying to repurpose these pieces into a new way for her and her family members to remember her mother. Much time (and prayer!) went into these bottles. I included this lady in every decision with plenty of pictures and emails back and forth. The bottles were finished and last week arrived at their destination. I shall miss our emailing back and forth but am truly glad for the chance I had to get to know her. Such fun it all was! It is a great honor to help carry on these precious memories in the lives of this lady and her family. I don't know if you will ever read this, but thank you so much, Mary. You are a kind and generous person, and I'm sure your family members will appreciate your creativity and thoughtfulness. I'm so glad to have gotten to know you.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Blue and Purple-Pink
I have a corner sink in our kitchen. While doing dishes yesterday afternoon I was enjoying the pretty purple-pink blooms of my cactus and the light shining through Gram's blue jar. She loved blue glass, and I'm thankful to have this that was hers. I thought the colors together were just grand and decided to share the scene with you. Enjoy and happy weekend to you all!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Kitties Having Tea
I'll tell you, children can be sooo sweet in how they do things. My husband had saved this round, wooden spool that wire came on (it's been around down in the basement for years--he saved it from the dumpster when the house was wired years ago). We were cleaning out the basement a few weeks ago, and it was decided that our daughter could have the spool to play with. Well, she painted it--red at first. Yikes! Too bright! With a suggested wash of ivory paint, she obtained this pretty pink color (she did a good job for an 8 year old). A small table cover that my grandmother made and a doily were the perfect table toppers. I was later invited to her room to see that she had her little kitties all set up around her best tea service. An on-going tea party has been the norm ever since!
child's room,
girl's room,
Pretty Things,
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thank You, Lord!
Psalm 68: 19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.
II Corinthians 9:11 "Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God."
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
A Tag Book Swap
Yes, these items show the humble beginnings of what I'm going to attempt to alter in the Lilac Lane Livery tag book swap (plus something pretty for the book to go in). It is a non-seasonal swap and will have a chic/cottage/shabby theme to it. I've been looking for a fun swap to do that isn't Christmas themed, and this sounded like a great deal of fun. It would be great to work on a project that is different from the usual creations for my shop. How about signing up? The more the merrier. You have until November 28!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
I had these gorgeous rich, deep pink pieces that I knew belonged on a romantic, heart-shaped ornament. Actually, I think this would be nice hung on a corner of one of the mirrors in our bedroom , but it has been listed in my Etsy shop instead.
Craft Show Hopping
Mom and I were out craft show hopping last Saturday. There was one we really wanted to go to. It was good although all I bought were some jars of honey. After that we looked around town to see what else was going on. There were bazaars and shows and sales going on all over, so we did our rounds. One place had an inside garage sale. We were there around 12:00--way past the time when most of the "good things" would be gone (or so we thought). Well, on the toy table was a basket full of these sugared goodies nestled among plastic action figures, stuffed animals, and broken games.
I was delighted! From research they are from around the 1930's. I think they would make sweet baby shower favors or decorations, but I believe they are ornaments. They all have a sugary coating of tiny, round, clear glitter beads--to make them look even more sweet if it were possible! I've listed them in my Etsy shop, and hopefully someone will be able to use them.
I was delighted! From research they are from around the 1930's. I think they would make sweet baby shower favors or decorations, but I believe they are ornaments. They all have a sugary coating of tiny, round, clear glitter beads--to make them look even more sweet if it were possible! I've listed them in my Etsy shop, and hopefully someone will be able to use them.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
...okay, I've even prayed that this tree will live and flourish. By the looks of it, it could use all the prayer it can get. Mom and I ordered some trees from the Arbor Day people, and they only just arrived. We were a little concerned when they didn't come and didn't come...I mean it IS November in Wisconsin. We've already had snow. However, they said it is the right time and here is a picture of one of them. I purchased two redbud flowering trees (those really pink flowering ones you see in the spring) and two azaleas. I LOVE azaleas and their vibrant colors. I got a pink one and planted it right out front and a peachy orange one which has been planted out back (because, well, orange doesn't really go with my house color). Anyway, my redbuds are basically sticks with bare roots. We've planted them and watered them. Now we just have to hope...and pray that they survive into those beautiful trees I'm hoping for. Stay tuned--I'll tell you how they do next spring.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Warm Tropical Pinks Treasury
Well, this is the first winter snow for us here. Burrr!! Winter has arrived. Sooo, I decided to do a "Warm, Tropical Sunrise Pinks" treasury. I just discovered that we can get the snapshot of Etsy treasuries from Craftcult, so you'll be seeing more treasuries on here (Thank you, Craftcult!). Anyway, I was greatly inspired by the pretty dress in the very first picture. I think it is absolutely gorgeous! Hope you will enjoy the that dress as well as the other warm pink items seen here.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Thank You, Veterans!
I know it is this coming Friday, but I'm going to "jump the gun" on Veteran's Day this year. We went to the largest Veteran's Day parade in Milwaukee this past Saturday. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm (for November in Wisconsin) day, and it was a great parade! There were marching bands, many divisions of veterans, vans full of disabled veterans, many veterans on roaring Harley-Davidsons, lady veterans groups, African-American veterans groups, Hispanic veterans groups, the entire student body of St. Johns Military Academy, planes flying in formation overhead, etc., etc. It was wonderful! It was the perfect opportunity to shake a hand and thank veterans we saw along the street as well as those marching by for their service and for their part in giving us our freedoms we enjoy today. It was also a perfect opportunity to teach our children--to show them first hand--to support and be thankful for our military personnel and why. The only disappointments?...a few "occupy" guys who tried to turn our attention away from these dear veterans onto their agenda and how few people actually showed up to watch and support the parade. One of my favorite floats had guys that were "bronzed" from head to toe and were in the same position as in the picture above. Of course we could not get our camera out fast enough to take a good picture (it took us that long to realize they were REAL men--the flag was stiffened--and not a statute on that float). It was great! Anyway, thank you....thank you...thank you...dear veterans past and present and military families for your sacrifices. We SO appreciate you all and the freedoms you have fought for that we may enjoy today!
Veterans' Day,
Monday, November 7, 2011
Please Vote for My Wreath
I entered my wreath into the Better Homes and Gardens wreath photo contest, and it has been chosen to be voted on. Yippee! I'd so appreciate your votes at the link HERE. Thank you very, very much!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Paper Sugars

I needed one more jar to put the excess and/or spilled glitter into, and this pretty vintage ink jar was just perfect for this. In the sun these "sugared sprinkles" reminded me of a little stained glass window.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
New Perfume Bottle
I love green and pink together. When I found this bottle, I knew it had to be embellished with some special pieces of jewelry to enhance both the jewelry and the bottle. This was fun to create. I listed it this morning in my Etsy shop. Hope you like it!
polka dot,
polka dots,
Monday, October 31, 2011
Teapot Pin
I love tea and anything associated with you know. This little pin was great fun to stitch. Do you like the steam coming from the spout? I'm really trying to think up some more tea related things to add to my shop since I know there are plenty of other tea lovers out there too.
Controlled Fear
I really do love the progression of fall. The weather is cool. Sleeping is comfortable. The leaves are beautiful in their many stages of changing. All of the fruits and veggies from the garden are in. The vividness of pumpkins and crisp blue skies and the colorful trees is amazing. I love Thanksgiving--a time set aside to thank God for His many blessings and usually to enjoy family.
The one "dark" area of fall which I wish weren't a part of the beauty of harvest is Halloween--and I just can't stand Halloween. There is absolutely nothing about the celebration that is good, pure, or right. Everything that Halloween is and all that it represents is evil. I cannot understand why people who say they love God at any level regard Halloween. All that Halloween is and stands for is the total and direct opposite of God and the Bible.
"...and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3:19
It is a day dedicated to death, evil, and fear. It is a day full of witches, devils, creepy things, and spirits. People like that things are scary and even violent--but THEY control the fear, so it's okay. If people were to really consider a gruesome death, someone horribly disfigured coming at them, a real witch, a real devil, some one coming at them ax in hand, a violent event, etc.--it wouldn't be so much fun (and, yes, witches, devils, spirits, and the like ARE real). Halloween is where the fear factor is controlled--giddily laughing at horrible things--never thinking of the reality of the terrible things that actually DO exist.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7
People make "cute" jack-o-lanterns and "sweet" witches. I received a JC Penney portrait studio ad with an adorable child dressed up as a devil. This isn't funny, cute, or sweet. Making evil and wickedness "cute" and "sweet" is an oxymoron. There is nothing good about these things and all are directly spoken against in the Bible. So our children miss out on trick-or-treating...they miss out on selfishly holding open their bags to all of our neighbors to be given all the candy they can get. There are plenty of other more important things in life for them to do. I'm not even going to go on about the drunkenness that goes on, the excuses people have via Halloween to dress up provocatively (yes, I've seen very young girls dress up as prostitutes), and the very real evil events that DO go on on this day. No, the Bible and God are for me every day and will not be put aside for Halloween.
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Ephesians 5:11
The one "dark" area of fall which I wish weren't a part of the beauty of harvest is Halloween--and I just can't stand Halloween. There is absolutely nothing about the celebration that is good, pure, or right. Everything that Halloween is and all that it represents is evil. I cannot understand why people who say they love God at any level regard Halloween. All that Halloween is and stands for is the total and direct opposite of God and the Bible.
"...and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." John 3:19
It is a day dedicated to death, evil, and fear. It is a day full of witches, devils, creepy things, and spirits. People like that things are scary and even violent--but THEY control the fear, so it's okay. If people were to really consider a gruesome death, someone horribly disfigured coming at them, a real witch, a real devil, some one coming at them ax in hand, a violent event, etc.--it wouldn't be so much fun (and, yes, witches, devils, spirits, and the like ARE real). Halloween is where the fear factor is controlled--giddily laughing at horrible things--never thinking of the reality of the terrible things that actually DO exist.
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7
People make "cute" jack-o-lanterns and "sweet" witches. I received a JC Penney portrait studio ad with an adorable child dressed up as a devil. This isn't funny, cute, or sweet. Making evil and wickedness "cute" and "sweet" is an oxymoron. There is nothing good about these things and all are directly spoken against in the Bible. So our children miss out on trick-or-treating...they miss out on selfishly holding open their bags to all of our neighbors to be given all the candy they can get. There are plenty of other more important things in life for them to do. I'm not even going to go on about the drunkenness that goes on, the excuses people have via Halloween to dress up provocatively (yes, I've seen very young girls dress up as prostitutes), and the very real evil events that DO go on on this day. No, the Bible and God are for me every day and will not be put aside for Halloween.
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Ephesians 5:11
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thank you, Donna!
Donna from Brynwood Needleworks had a 800th post celebration and giveaway, and I was certainly delighted to be one of the winners. I really enjoy Donna's blog--and her creations are just gorgeous. Reading her life's journey is interesting, entertaining, and inspiring to say the least.
The package arrived beautifully wrapped and contained such fun and pretty things. I can't wait to work on those Mill Hill bead kits!
I thought I was only getting one kit until she said she was sending two. Hooray! In all of this it was a delight to learn that Donna used to live in the Portage area years ago. I knew she had Wisconsin connections, of course, from her blog, but to know that she used to live so close by was fascinating. It IS a small world. Thank you, Donna, for such a wonderful package and conversation about Wisconsin.
The package arrived beautifully wrapped and contained such fun and pretty things. I can't wait to work on those Mill Hill bead kits!
I thought I was only getting one kit until she said she was sending two. Hooray! In all of this it was a delight to learn that Donna used to live in the Portage area years ago. I knew she had Wisconsin connections, of course, from her blog, but to know that she used to live so close by was fascinating. It IS a small world. Thank you, Donna, for such a wonderful package and conversation about Wisconsin.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Glorious Morning Glories

Monday, October 10, 2011
Waxing Leaves

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Glorious Fall Foliage
This was the view this morning outside our dining area windows. The sun was rising on the opposite side of the house setting these trees ablaze with color.

It was truly a sight to behold, and I thought you'd enjoy the view as well. Happy day to you!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
...this has been a busy past week or two. My grandparents (my dad's parents) flew up to Wisconsin from Florida to visit us and my parents. They have never been in my home in all the years since my husband and I have been married (over 21 years)...we have always gone and visited them. So, it was a pretty special thing for them to come and see our home for the first time. I cleaned and scrubbed (even the chandelier--wow, does it sparkle!) with the help of the kids and hubby when he could. They came, and we were busy every day. They do wonderfully for being 87 ad 84, and they/we were constantly on the go. We went to the Mall of America in Minnesota (something they have always wanted to do) and did the entire mall. They took several tours of the surrounding area. Thankfully the trees are turning beautifully, and they got to see some beautiful foliage (something they miss and just don't see in Florida) with the rolling hills, fields, and farms of Wisconsin. My grandmother went to the kids' violin lessons with us, and she, my mother, and I even did a flea market where I was able to get some pretty treasures (see above--I love the enamel button--it's a keeper!). We had a wonderful time. It was a good visit with plenty of talk and laughs. What good memories were made for all!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Heart Shaped Vintage Jewelry Ornament
Here is a picture of the pink mirrored heart ornament embellished with vintage and antique jewelry pieces. I finally finished it, added it to my Etsy shop, and just love the mother-of-pearl and light pink pieces (not to mention all of those rhinestones). Hope you like it too!
mother of pearl,
Rose Cottage,
Shabby Chic,
vintage jewelry
Monday, September 19, 2011
Vintage Jewelry Embellished Ornaments
I had such a fun time making these ornaments! I can picture them being hung in a home all year round--on a knob, a shelf peg, on the corner of a boudoir mirror, anywhere really where a spot of color and sparkle is needed. They are mirrored ornaments covered with vintage jewelry pieces. They have been listed in my Etsy shop. I'm working on a pink heart-shaped one which should be done later in the week (it is becoming my favorite one so far!). Perhaps I'll post it on here for you to see. Hope you like them! ; )
glass bead treasures,
old world,
Rose Cottage,
Friday, September 16, 2011
Autumn Themed Vintage Jewelry Assemblage
This was great fun to put together. I had some beautiful autumn themed jewelry pieces and a red glass leaf cabochon that I just love. This went together well and is certainly a one-of-a-kind brooch for anyone who loves vintage jewelry, sparkling rhinestones, and autumn. It is listed in my Etsy shop--HERE.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Nina, the Pinta, the...
...okay, well the Santa Maria wasn't there, but the other two were!
We decided to take a homeschool field trip last Saturday to Kenosha, Wisconsin. The kids had just had a week studying Christopher Columbus, and replicas of the Nina and the Pinta were in port at Kenosha until Sunday. What a great way to visualize history! Apparently these have sailed all over and had made their way down the St. Lawrence across Lake Michigan to Kenosha. The Nina is an exact replica, and the Pinta was built slightly bigger. I have a greater respect for those who traveled across the Atlantic in these little vessels! They were small. We heard a detailed account of Columbus's life and things that happened on that first trip. It was an interesting history lesson.
They had examples of navigational equipment used, and we were shown how to use them.
Then, after the history lesson we were able to tour both ships. It was a wonderful experience for the kids.
After the ship tours we saw lighthouses. We went through the Public Museum and saw a life-sized replica (the actual bones are safely tucked away in a controlled environment) of a wooly mammoth that was dug up in southeastern Wisconsin. We went to the Civil War museum and browsed through a farmer's market.
We even rode this glamorous old street car on her entire circuit. Isn't she a beauty? It was a beautiful day that was fun and educational for our whole family.
We decided to take a homeschool field trip last Saturday to Kenosha, Wisconsin. The kids had just had a week studying Christopher Columbus, and replicas of the Nina and the Pinta were in port at Kenosha until Sunday. What a great way to visualize history! Apparently these have sailed all over and had made their way down the St. Lawrence across Lake Michigan to Kenosha. The Nina is an exact replica, and the Pinta was built slightly bigger. I have a greater respect for those who traveled across the Atlantic in these little vessels! They were small. We heard a detailed account of Columbus's life and things that happened on that first trip. It was an interesting history lesson.
They had examples of navigational equipment used, and we were shown how to use them.
Then, after the history lesson we were able to tour both ships. It was a wonderful experience for the kids.
After the ship tours we saw lighthouses. We went through the Public Museum and saw a life-sized replica (the actual bones are safely tucked away in a controlled environment) of a wooly mammoth that was dug up in southeastern Wisconsin. We went to the Civil War museum and browsed through a farmer's market.
We even rode this glamorous old street car on her entire circuit. Isn't she a beauty? It was a beautiful day that was fun and educational for our whole family.
christopher columbus,
Thursday, September 8, 2011
September in Wisconsin
I think if I were to recommend to anyone the month to visit Wisconsin it would be September. The high heat is over. The humidity goes down. The days are sunny and bright. There is warmness in the air yet a touch of crispness. The evenings are cool and refreshing. It's beautiful here in September. Lately it has been quite foggy and moist in the very early mornings only to burn off by mid morning yielding a fabulous day.
My pink geranium is still blooming beautifully. I love plant pot "sticks", and this one is a green and white flying bug on a copper stick.
The hummingbirds are still here, though I know soon they will begin their long flights to warmer climates. It has been so hard to get a picture of them! Thankfully after a prayer that I'd be able to capture one on the camera, this pretty lady landed on our deck chair and posed for me. I think they are one of the sweetest creatures God created. I shall miss them when they all leave and have been taking the time to watch them and get my fill in before they do.
Also, I couldn't resist a shot of this spider's web. The dew on it turns it in a piece of lace studded with diamonds.
My pink geranium is still blooming beautifully. I love plant pot "sticks", and this one is a green and white flying bug on a copper stick.
The hummingbirds are still here, though I know soon they will begin their long flights to warmer climates. It has been so hard to get a picture of them! Thankfully after a prayer that I'd be able to capture one on the camera, this pretty lady landed on our deck chair and posed for me. I think they are one of the sweetest creatures God created. I shall miss them when they all leave and have been taking the time to watch them and get my fill in before they do.
Also, I couldn't resist a shot of this spider's web. The dew on it turns it in a piece of lace studded with diamonds.
Rose Cottage,
spider webs,
tumbling rose cottage,
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Busy Labor Day Weekend
Well, the weekend started out rainy, but Mom and I went out to the Princeton Flea Market. It is a good drive for us, but we wanted to go one more time before the flea market closed down for the year. There were fewer vendors much to our disappointment because of the rain, but we found some great treasures anyway. We went to two other flea markets actually as well as a few other sales. We were pretty tired by the end of the day. I spent all of my money saved for the markets (plus $20 of Mom's!!) and have a quite stash now to create with. The hard part is finding the time to create...but I'll have to work on that this week.
We also cleaned out the garage and have a trunk load of things to give to the local charity thrift store. I love it when everything is swept and organized. We stained our lower deck. We had a great Sunday at church and even had time this weekend to spend with family. It was a fun and full back to school for the kids and the regular tasks of life. I hope you all had a good and productive weekend. Happy new week to you all!
We also cleaned out the garage and have a trunk load of things to give to the local charity thrift store. I love it when everything is swept and organized. We stained our lower deck. We had a great Sunday at church and even had time this weekend to spend with family. It was a fun and full back to school for the kids and the regular tasks of life. I hope you all had a good and productive weekend. Happy new week to you all!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
First Day of School
**Thank you Graphics Fairy for the the picture above** Summer is over...I can't believe it. We switched over the calendar. The books are all opened and sorted and readied. I have reviewed the curriculum. The new pencils are all sharpened. The desks are cleaned. We are ready. Today we start. *sigh* Just where did summer go with all of its new projects to start, new places to visit, and all that we were going to accomplish? Usually we start up our homeschooling year earlier than September 1. However, violin lessons officially start up again today, and, well, we just decided to wait this year until today. This is the first year we have started homeschooling with my husband on a normal, predictable schedule, and I'm very thankful for this. As hard and frustrating as some days can be and though I get very little done during the course of a day on house work and on my business when my focus is on guiding and teaching the children, I am thankful for the freedoms and rights to homeschool our two precious children. It is worth it in every way! Their little minds are fertile grounds for all sorts of influences and ways of teaching and thoughts. I'm very grateful for the freedom to be sure they are taught truths (Biblically, scientifically, historically, socially, etc.), are given the very best of curriculum, and can be either pushed or slowed depending on their level of understanding and ability. No other teacher could individually and consistently take the time to love and care for them and push them and encourage them to do their very best more than their dad and me. So, today we tackle the books and start on our new year's journey. We are ready.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sea Glass Push Pins/Thumbtacks
As promised, here is what I've done with some of the beautiful pieces of sea glass that we found in Maine. I made push pins out of them. These pieces were a good size, in pretty colors, and had interesting patterns/shapes. I like the ones that were part of the bottle's mouth, the faint purple one with the designs in it, and the brown one with part of the word "quart" on it. Sea glass is getting harder to find--especially the pretty blues, turquoises, and light greens. I noticed this especially on this past trip. Anyway, these would be perfect for a beach cottage or ocean themed memory board, inspiration board, or bulletin board. I've listed them in my Etsy shop. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I'm Back and Ready to Go!
Well, we have returned from our looooonng drive to and from Maine. It was great to go back "home" to see the beauty and charm of Maine, where I grew up, hear the ocean, and smell the salt air. We met up with my grandparents visiting from Florida, my brother and nephew back from New Zealand to enroll my nephew into college this fall, my great aunt, and other friends. We also said our final goodbyes to my grandmother who passed away this past March. We were all able to meet at the veterans' cemetery in Maine where my grandfather is already buried for a memorial service for her (this was our main purpose in going to Maine). It was a beautiful, sunny day and the service, though teary for sure, was sweet and full of memories of dear Gram. I say it was our "final" good-bye...but that, of course, is only on this earth because she had and we have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, and we know we will see hear again someday. Such comfort this assurance brings!
While in Maine, we did a little antique shopping, eating on "the rocks" along the coast watching seagulls and fishermen check their lobster traps, hiking, eating fish (yum--can't beat fresh fish!), and looking for sea glass. I even have a project or two to do with some that I found...that will be another post perhaps. Anyway, it's good to be back to my real home, and it's time to get busy for the fall.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Taking a Computer Break
It's the last full month of summer, and I'm taking some time off from blogging and my shop for just a few weeks to enjoy the sun, the warm weather, and my family. I'm constantly puttering around on my Etsy shop--doing treasuries, listing, checking statistics, promoting, re-listing, etc.--and it's time for a break away from the computer (so I'm going to put my shop in "vacation mode"). Oh, I may check the shop out a few times, and I'll be doing some shopping for sure for things for my shop and to embellish with. I can't step away totally, you know. Besides, the shopping part isn't work. In fact, I get kind of edgy if I haven't visited a thrift store, yard sale, estate sale, or antique shop in over a week. ; ) Anyway, I'll be back in two weeks hopefully refreshed and energized for fall and the busy months ahead.
antique mall,
antique store,
etsy shop,
thrift shops,
thrift store,
Sandal Clips Custom Order Done
It was a great opportunity to work with a lady who asked me through my Etsy shop to do a special order for her. She had some white sandals (t-straps with a toe strap as well) that she wanted me to hand bead clip pieces for. I'm assuming these are for a wedding, but I'm not sure--a special occasion at least. She was just super to work with in every way. How nice it was to work with someone not only very, very pleasant but also quite clear in what she wanted.
I was able to buy some sweet little vintage, faceted, tangerine-colored nailhead beads and some pretty, light orange freshwater pearls (oh, and the actual clips) from fellow Etsy sellers. I love to support other Etsy shops when the chance arises. I already had the vintage rhinestone beads from an estate sale as well as the rhinestone and leaf vintage jewelry bits. These beads and jewelry pieces were sewn onto silvery strips--triple and quadruple stitched for security. One of the hard parts for me was not to over-embellish--you know how I like to embellish sort of "over the top".
I then finished the underneath parts with the small clips and a piece of felt for comfort should the pieces overlap the sandals at all. These certainly do sparkle and are trendy. It was a fun challenge, and I'm thankful to my customer for the chance to work with her on this.
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