I've been slow with posts this month...I know! Life gets too busy sometimes. My parents are all moved into their house (it's the yellow one in the background of the pix above) and out of their apartment. We've had our garage sale (you know, I love going to 'em...but don't like having 'em!). We're finished with the kids swimming lessons. My husband's sister is all moved. We got the overgrown garden weeded finally. Whew...we're tired out and our muscles are sore! This week I'm finally catching up on things. We head off on our vacation next week and can't wait....so, I'll not be posting after this weekend either. As a side note, I've been trying to get a picture of my hummingbirds...but, alas! How they elude me! It was getting dark last night and the batteries on my camera were dying fast. However, I got this shot and am actually pleased, dark as it is, that the beauty of the luminous, green feathers was captured. I SO love watching the hummingbirds. They are such sweet little creatures. Enjoy the day!
I was once told by a New Zealander that as an American I could never really understand royalty and a subject's relationship to a king/queen. At the time he was talking about the Christian's relationship with the King of kings. His statement is true since royalty is not a part of American culture. Perhaps that is why some of us (me included!) are in such awe of the actions of royalty across the world. Understanding it all can be difficult. I so enjoyed looking at all the pictures (the ones above are complements of www.jewelry.com--a favorite website of mine--you can see more pictures of other royals at the wedding HERE) of the wedding this past weekend of Swedish Crown Princess Victoria...all of the pomp...all of the formality...all of the beauty...all of those gorgeous gems! Her sister and mother looked stunning as well. It amazes me that people have opportunity to look like this and wear such beautiful, historical things. I guess I cannot truly understand royalty. It all IS fun to observe, however, and, though Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, someday I will truly understand my position as a subject under His kingly reign.
Tammy from Life from My Teacup had a wonderful giveaway on her blog...and I had the honor of winning it! She's my kind of --the loves the Lord and loves tea. She sent along three books (I told her now I have a good excuse for a long soak in the bathtub), two pretty vintage doilies, and some tea in a pretty little tin. Thank you, Tammy!
I have been able to get two things done this past week. I acquired some exquisite (and a little expensive, might I add--but worth it!) rose shell beads this past week and am working on putting them into jewelry. Once I got the beads I just had to sit right down and work on a brooch. I made this light pink, Victorian-looking, Shabby Chic-looking rose brooch with a crystal butterfly. I sort of don't want to part with it because I like it so much! Secondly, I finished another perfume bottle. The vintage pieces come from jewelry featuring daisies as well as parts of a leaf bracelet and some rhinestones. I'm pretty pleased with how this little bottle turned out as well.
We were at the flea market last weekend where there was a basket of these sitting there. I pawed through them, and the man offered me instead of $1 each...$5 for the whole basket. I debated and thought and walked around again...then couldn't resist and bought them. I finally got them all cleaned and a picture taken yesterday. There are some chips here and there, but I have some ideas in mind for some of them. Though I'm delighted with them all, I especially like the little crown-shaped one at 6:00 (who can resist a crown?) and that turquoise one full of bubbles at 1:00-2:00. At the flea market I also purchased two lightweight gold picture frames for a song, and have great inspiration to turn them into Victorian one-of-a-kind wonders. You'll see. I have some projects I'm working on now but will get to those in July. Hint: That crown bottle stopper above will be a part of one of those Victorian creations!
I've been neglecting my posting lately...but have finished and sent off my five-press-kits contribution to the Lollishops pool of press kits for the Artistic Affair Les Sirenes event coming up in California on July 15-17. You may read all about this even on Kim's lovely Weblog--Artistic Bliss. It certainly looks like a grand and enchanting event indeed! The theme has a Victorian beach, romantic ocean look and feel, so I wanted my press kits to carry on with that theme. I found a beautiful vintage image of Victorian ladies strolling by the sea (loved the palm trees!) to make some pins out of (complete with a little glitter), and I stitched some zipper clips on turquoise backgrounds with pearly light pink "star fish", an iridescent scallop shell, and, of course, "sand" made by stitching on sparkling golden brown beads. The netting for these are actually hair nets. I saw a container full of them for sale at an Amish grocery store and was instantly inspired. They looked like old fishing nets to me. I thought the idea of having my things "captured" on the net would be a fun idea. Since I have plenty of sea glass from visits to Maine, I glued some pieces on for extra interest and color. I glued a simple ivory backing onto the back of the light pink board used for the front to cover up the glue work and neaten up the back then put my business card in the baggie. I kept the bow on the top--a gold organza--simple so that they eye would be drawn to the work below and not onto the top. I was thinking this would be a good idea for a romantic ocean themed invitation or place card...just something to keep in mind if you needed an idea. You could also put little shells onto the net too.
I was hanging out the laundry the other day when--*sniff, sniff*, mmmmmm!--my nose was full of the scent of roses on the light breeze (pictures above). Now, hanging out the laundry is a pleasant enough experience, but coupled with the scent of roses on the air, it is one of THE MOST pleasant of experiences. So, I took a walk around the house and took some pictures of some of my roses to share with you. I just love roses--their scent, their colors, their shapes...everything about them is wonderful (well, except for maybe those nasty thorns!). Enjoy! These are on the far back part of our property and are wild roses from Maine. These thorny beauties are on the side of the garage--they add lots of color and fill a wide empty space, the garage wall. These are out front under our dining room window and make the room smell wonderful when the window is open.