I saw this beautiful oil painting on Esty done by the talented Shelley Koopmann (Please check out her shop, PastelPaletteArtwork). To me it conjures up very fond memories of combing the beaches of Maine looking for sea glass, shells, and any other treasures that can be found. A wave would go out, and I'd be tempted to venture quickly out on the shiny, wet sand for that too-tempting-to-leave gorgeous piece of roughed up glass, only to have to hurry back quickly before the wave came roaring back trying to get my shoes wet.

I like that his picture has a lady fully clothed on a beach...it is usually quite cool on the beaches of Maine even in the summer. This is how I was usually dressed. Only the heartiest actually swim in the frigid northern Atlantic! I remember my feet going numb quite quickly --not to mention ache!--whenever I decided to take off my shoes and socks and venture out into the water to my ankles. It has been many years since we've had the chance to go to Maine. It is definitely a destination spot--not one of those places that you can just stop at on your way to someplace else. Perhaps next year we will have the chance to go and comb the beautiful beaches while filling our lungs with the fresh salt air--much like our lady above is doing. But, until then, I shall just enjoy Shelley's artwork and the wonderful memories it brings.