Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm Back and Ready to Go!

Well, we have returned from our looooonng drive to and from Maine.  It was great to go back "home" to see the beauty and charm of Maine, where I grew up, hear the ocean, and smell the salt air.  We met up with my grandparents visiting from Florida, my brother and nephew back from New Zealand to enroll my nephew into college this fall, my great aunt, and other friends.  We also said our final goodbyes to my grandmother who passed away this past March.  We were all able to meet at the veterans' cemetery in Maine where my grandfather is already buried for a memorial service for her (this was our main purpose in going to Maine).  It was a beautiful, sunny day and the service, though teary for sure, was sweet and full of memories of dear Gram.  I say it was our "final" good-bye...but that, of course, is only on this earth because she had and we have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, and we know we will see hear again someday.  Such comfort this assurance brings!

While in Maine, we did a little antique shopping, eating on "the rocks" along the coast watching seagulls and fishermen check their lobster traps, hiking, eating fish (yum--can't beat fresh fish!), and looking for sea glass.  I even have a project or two to do with some that I found...that will be another post perhaps.  Anyway, it's good to be back to my real home, and it's time to get busy for the fall.

1 comment:

  1. What a Beautiful state to visit!!
    Fall is at our door for sure. This morning in the northeast mountains of Pa. it was 49 degrees!! ..... and it felt good!! LOL!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!
