Sunday, August 9, 2009

Picture Challenge

I have been "tagged" and given a challenge by Pei Li of Miniature Patisserie Chef to do four things:

1. Open the 4th file where I store my photos
2. Pick out the 4th photo & publish it to my blog
3. Explain a bit about it
4. Pass this challenge to 4 other blogs.

Well, the above photo is the one. It is a Royal Albert set of Old Country Roses--the dessert plate, teacup and saucer. I also have on there a gold heart tea strainer. It is one of my favorites. I bought it at an antique shop in New Zealand and JUST missed out on buying the teapot that was with but not a part of this set.

Now, to pass the challenge on to four others--friends old and new. I choose the following:

1. Maggie at The White Farmhouse
2. Alaura at Cottage Rose
3. Julie at CupcakeDD
4. Joelle at Joelle Dolce Bebe


  1. Hi Michelle, thanks for visiting my blog and for the comments. I love your blog. I have added you to my list.

    Oh, and that Royal Albert Country Roses is my absolute favorite pattern that is still in production. Becs

  2. You do know I can't take a pic worth a darn right? Jeepers I hope pic 4 is not too embarrassing!

    I do need to get ahold of you to see if you will do a custom charm bracelet for me.

  3. Hi Michelle,

    Thank you for joining in the little fun!

    Some of the folks do use the moo cards and put them in a photoframe to display it as a collection of many little photos, it looks quite pretty too!!

    Have a great week!

    Pei Li

  4. Darling, I just stopped by to let you know that I have returned and that I had a marvelous time. I missed you too much to stay away longer!! Have a beautiful Tuesday.

    Duchess xx
